Policy Implementation, Sexual Violence in Higher EducationAbstract
The implementation of the Government's policy on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence
in Higher Education is one of the policies that should be implemented in every university as an
effort to fulfill the rights and protection of the academic community. A survey of the Ministry of
Education and Culture in 2020 found 77% of lecturers stated that sexual violence had occurred on
campus and 63% of them did not report cases they knew to the campus. The high phenomenon of
sexual violence in the university environment is a challenge for every university bureaucracy which
is expected to be able to produce problem solving in the protection of the academic community.
This study aims to determine the implementation of the Government's policy on the Prevention and
Handling of Sexual Violence the university environment along with the supporting and inhibiting
factors. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection through observation,
interviews and documentation. Determination of informants is done by using snowball
sampling.The validity of the data using increased persistence and triangulation. Data analysis was
carried out through the stages of data collection, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The
results showed that the implementation of government policies on PPKS in universities, especially
in UNITRI and UIN Malang, had not been going well. Several indicators of socialization that are not
optimal and evenly distributed, availability of resources, lack of understanding and non-uniform
perspectives are obstacles in the implementation process. Supporting factors include the existence
of rules as the basis for the Government's policy on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence
in higher education and mutual agreement to ensure a sense of security and comfort in the learning
Keywords :Policy Implementation, Sexual Violence in Higher Education
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