Jurnal Gesi 2023-10-30T07:23:25-08:00 Jurnal GESI Open Journal Systems “PROKRASTINASI MENGHAMBAT TUGASKU” (STUDI KORELASI: RENDAHNYA SELF EFICACY MENINGKATKAN PROKRASTINASI AKADEMIK MAHASISWA DALAM MENYELESAIKAN TUGAS PERKULIAHAN DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19) 2022-10-03T09:37:09-07:00 Husni Anggoro Kemilau Senja Berlian Agustina Eka Ananda Lintang Savitri Fikri Ardiansyah Firnanda Starry Kireida Kusnadi <p>The purpose of this study was to see how the relationship between self-efficacy and student academic <br />procrastination in completing lecture assignments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Self-efficacy is the most <br />important thing in helping students to complete lecture assignments during the COVID-19 pandemic, the <br />influence of self-efficacy on the individual's way of thinking will be able to direct encouragement and action to <br />achieve a positive outcome for the individual himself. Meanwhile, academic procrastination in students can <br />prevent them from completing a certain course. The longer they delay, the longer it will take them to complete <br />the coursework. This research uses quantitative methods. The scale used is the self-efficacy scale adapted from <br />research conducted by Mulia Sulistyowati, and the academic procrastination scale adapted from research <br />conducted by Nova Emi Aliance Nainggolan. The subjects in this study were 116 students. The results of this <br />study indicate that there is a negative relationshi this means that the lower the self-efficacy, the higher the <br />student's academic procrastination and vice versa, the higher the self-efficacy, the lower the student's academic <br />procrastination.<br />Keywords: self-efficacy, academic procrastination, COVID-19</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi PROFIL EFIKASI DAN KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR MAHASISWA BERPRESTASI UNIVERSITAS RIAU 2022-10-04T09:49:48-07:00 Rahmita Budiartiningsih Evi Suryawati Syarifah Nur Siregar Geovani Meiwandad Zaldi Zaldi <p>This study aims to determine the profile of Self-Efficacy (SE) and Self-Directed Learning (SDL) of students <br />who excel academically and non-academicly based on gender at the University of Riau. The study is <br />expected to provide an overview of the potential for academic and non-academic achievements and the <br />correlation of these achievements to the success of students in completing studies, getting jobs, <br />entrepreneurship and continuing their studies. The instrument used is a questionnaire using a Likert <br />scale. The SE indicator consists of 5 indicators, namely (confidence in completing tasks, self-motivation, <br />hard work, overcoming obstacles, and completing tasks in a broad or narrow perspective) The SDL <br />indicator consists of 5 indicators, namely (awareness), learning strategies, activities learning activities, <br />evaluations, and interpersonal skills. Data analysis was carried out descriptively to map the profiles of <br />academic and non-academic achievement students related to SE and SDL. The results showed that the <br />number of male outstanding students was 31% 69% female, SE male 4.36 female 4.31, male SDL 4.20 <br />female 4.18, male students have academic and non-academic achievements of 60% female 56%. This <br />shows there is no the real difference between SE and SDL in male and female students, they have the same <br />opportunities to achieve academic and non-academic achievements.<br />Keywords: self-efficacy, learning independence, achievement, gender</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH TENTANG PENCEGAHAN DAN PENANGANAN KEKERASAN SEKSUAL (PPKS) DI PERGURUAN TINGGI 2022-10-04T09:51:42-07:00 Asih Widi Lestari Firman Firdausi Emei Dwi Nanarhati Setiamandani <p>The implementation of the Government's policy on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence <br />in Higher Education is one of the policies that should be implemented in every university as an <br />effort to fulfill the rights and protection of the academic community. A survey of the Ministry of <br />Education and Culture in 2020 found 77% of lecturers stated that sexual violence had occurred on <br />campus and 63% of them did not report cases they knew to the campus. The high phenomenon of <br />sexual violence in the university environment is a challenge for every university bureaucracy which <br />is expected to be able to produce problem solving in the protection of the academic community. <br />This study aims to determine the implementation of the Government's policy on the Prevention and <br />Handling of Sexual Violence the university environment along with the supporting and inhibiting <br />factors. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection through observation, <br />interviews and documentation. Determination of informants is done by using snowball <br />sampling.The validity of the data using increased persistence and triangulation. Data analysis was <br />carried out through the stages of data collection, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The <br />results showed that the implementation of government policies on PPKS in universities, especially <br />in UNITRI and UIN Malang, had not been going well. Several indicators of socialization that are not <br />optimal and evenly distributed, availability of resources, lack of understanding and non-uniform <br />perspectives are obstacles in the implementation process. Supporting factors include the existence <br />of rules as the basis for the Government's policy on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence<br />in higher education and mutual agreement to ensure a sense of security and comfort in the learning <br />process.<br />Keywords :Policy Implementation, Sexual Violence in Higher Education</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi PENGARUH ORANG TUA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DI RUMAH SELAMA PANDEMI COVID 19 DENGAN METODE KUALITATIF 2022-10-05T03:43:42-07:00 shintanuriyah shinta nuriyah Yeni Lutfiatin Dewi Aisyah Alfira Ayu Talita Umma Ardianti Agustin <p>The world was facing a major outbreak, namely Covid 19, Indonesia was also one of <br />the countries exposed to this virus. All aspects of life have changed from normal conditions, <br />many activities have stopped, one of which was the learning process at school. Student learning <br />activities at school have moved into learning activities at home. Parents replace the role of <br />school teachers in guiding and accompanying during the learning process. The purpose of this <br />study was to determine the influence of parents in learning at home during the COVID-19 <br />pandemic, the research method used was a qualitative method of case study approach with <br />interview techniques to research subjects, namely parents, the research subject involved 3 <br />parents. The results showed that the research findings were based on the data obtained that <br />parents in student learning at home during the COVID-19 pandemic were said to have an <br />influence when parents helped children in learning at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, <br />which means that the role of parents were needed for the learning process of children during <br />the study. from home, the role of parents were quite large in learning not only as a companion <br />but also as an educator who replaces the role of teachers at school<br />Keywords: parents, learning, covid 19</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi Dampak Pola Asuh Otoriter terhadap Karakter dan Perkembangan Mental Anak 2023-04-30T17:34:17-07:00 Oktaviani Herlina Zahira Nisrina Huwaida Pramestti Ni Kadek Ayu Regita <p style="text-align: justify;">Parenting is an interaction that exists between parents and their children. Parenting that is applied daily<br />plays a very important role in shaping the character of children. Parenting in which it applies that children<br />must obey all the orders of their parents is called authoritarian parenting style. This study aims to determine<br />the relationship between authoritarian parenting on the character and mental development of children. The<br />subject of this study was a child who was raised with an authoritarian parenting style as many as 26 people.<br />This research uses survey methods and literature study. The purpose of distributing this questionnaire is to<br />obtain and collect opinions from the respondents which can then be used as primary data. The literature<br />study method is a method by analyzing and studying other references on the topics discussed to strengthen<br />research data. The results of this study indicate that there is a large influence between authoritarian<br />parenting and the character and mental development of children.<br />Kata kunci : Authoritarian Parenting Style, Character, Children's Mental Development</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi SHALAT DAN KECEMASAN : KAJIAN ISLAM DAN PSIKOLOGI 2023-06-10T08:34:38-07:00 Herlina Oktaviani Akmal Chandra Kusuma Danar Hadi Khoerul Hakim Neza Silma Neza Silma Saepul Anwar <p>Prayer is a central practice of worship in the Islamic religion, while anxiety is a common problem among <br />university students. Therefore, this research is important because it can provide valuable insights into how <br />prayer can affect anxiety levels in Muslim students. Thus, this study aims to explore and understand the <br />relationship between anxiety and prayer in the perspective of Muslim individuals majoring in Psychology at the <br />Indonesian University of Education. This study also used a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth <br />interviews and content analysis on the collected data. Research participants consisted of 7 active Muslim <br />students who were selected purposely. Through qualitative data analysis, the following findings have been <br />identified. Based on the results of interviews, all student informants had experienced anxiety, but the intensity <br />and factors that caused anxiety felt by informants were different. Factors that cause anxiety felt by informants <br />include academic problems, daily needs, family, friendships, and the future. This study provides a preliminary <br />understanding of the relationship between prayer and anxiety in Muslim students. In order to deepen and <br />complete this understanding, future researchers are advised to use quantitative methods in order to more <br />objectively measure prayer frequency, anxiety level, and other factors that might affect this relationship.<br />Kata kunci : Anxiety, Prayer, Student</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi HUBUNGAN POLA KOMUNIKASI KELUARGA CONVERSATION ORIENTATION DENGAN PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING PADA REMAJA DI KOTA AMUNTAI UTARA 2023-08-16T09:32:17-07:00 Maulida Rahmah Aziza Fitriah Ghea Amalia Arpandy <p>Psychological well-being is an individual's ability to accept himself, to be able to establish relationships with<br />other people, to be a person who is independent from social pressure, to be able to control areas outside of<br />himself, to have meaning in his life, and to realize his potential continuously. Establishing a good relationship<br />with parents is an important factor in improving Psychological Well-Being. Healthy family communication<br />patterns and conversion orientation are key elements for building good relationships and enhancing the<br />psychological well-being of adolescents. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between<br />conversion-oriented family communication patterns and the psychological well-being of adolescents in the city of<br />Amuntai. Quantitative research methods with correlation studies. A sample of 219 adolescents in Amuntai City in<br />June and July 2023 was taken using an accidental sampling technique. Data were analyzed using the sparman<br />rho test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between family communication patterns,<br />conversion orientation and adolescent psychological well-being in Amuntai City, with a p-value (0.019&lt;0.05), r =<br />0.159.<br />Keywords: Family Communication Convertatin Orientation, Psychological Well-Being, Teenager</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi PERAN ORANG TUA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SEKS PRANIKAH PADA REMAJA 2023-10-30T07:12:47-08:00 Eka Ananda Lintang Savitri Aldi Saputra Fikri Ardiansyah Firsty Oktaria Grahani <p>Adolescence begins with puberty, which is a time of physical changes and physiological functions such as the <br />maturity of sexual organs. The role of parents is very important to educate, supervise, describe how to solve <br />problems and be role models and set a good example for adolescents. This study aims to describe how the role of <br />parents in sex education and how parents understand premarital sex. The method used is a qualitative method <br />in the form of data collection, using interviews and observation. The subjects in the study were three elderly <br />people. The results showed that children have begun to understand the meaning of sex, understand reproductive <br />organs, ethics in getting along, and can explain the dangers of premarital sex and its effects including venereal <br />diseases. The conclusions obtained are as follows: (1) Parents' understanding of sex includes biological, <br />psychological and cultural needs. (2) How to communicate sex issues to children can be done without any special <br />time, by taking advantage of momentum, conveyed clearly unambiguously. Sex education is also given according <br />to the needs of children and without having to start with an event. (3) The role of parents in sex education includes <br />the distribution of duties, monitoring in sexual matters. (4) Children respond positively to sex education given by <br />parents if the atmosphere is conducive, on the contrary, children's responses become negative if the moment of <br />providing sex education is not appropriate (5) Sex education materials include sex differences, social ethics, and <br />sexual diseases.<br />Kata kunci : adolescents, the role of parents, sex education.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM AKSI KONVERGENSI PENANGANAN STUNTING DI KABUPATEN BLITAR 2023-10-30T07:18:14-08:00 Sri Juni Woro Astuti Esa Wahyu Endarti Diana Heni Lestari <p>Stunting is a serious issue that requires attention from all stakeholders, including both government agencies and the public on a local level. Due to this, Indonesian Government has announced eight convergences action to reduce stunting prevalence become 14% in 2024. So all stakeholers are expected to make preventing stunting a top priority in each individual region's agenda for human development. With the intention of making the execution of this particular act of convergence more effective, the participation will become a crucial factor. For this reason, the focus of the current study is to determine how the society and privat sector will participate in upcoming convergence activities. The research was conducted in Blitar district as one of the areas with relatively low stunting rates so it is hoped that it will become best practice research. The research method uses descriptive qualitative and data collection through interviews and secondary data. The analysis is based on the participation ladder theory, and shows that only a few activities from the convergence action involve public and private participation. So researchers recommend that the community really be the main actor in this convergence action so that stunting reduction is achieved.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Key Words</strong>: Participation, Convergence, Stunting</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi TANTANGAN BODY DISSATISFACTION DALAM MEMBENTUK KEPERCAYAAN DIRI PADA REMAJA PEREMPUAN 2023-10-30T07:23:25-08:00 Siti Mufarochah Nur Irmayanti <p><em>Body dissatisfaction can be defined as an individual perspective in assessing their body image or body size based on the experiences in the surrounding environment caused by negative thoughts. It could be a factor in an individual feel confident in solving the problems that exist in the surrounding environment. The purposose of this study was to investigate the relationship between body dissatifaction with self-konfidence at the end of the juvenile female. This study is a quantitative correlation with the number of 55 subjects taken by quota sampling. The results of the study showed that there is a</em> <em>significant relationship between body dissatisfaction and self-confidence in adolescent girls</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci : </em></strong><em>body dissatisfaction, self-confidence, end</em> <em>adolescent girls</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gesi