Jurnal Gesi 2024-04-30T00:00:00-07:00 Jurnal GESI Open Journal Systems STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMBANGUNAN BUDAYA BANJAR “BAKISAH” DALAM PERSPEKTIF MEDIA DAN TEATER 2024-04-25T10:32:49-07:00 Akhyar Rafi'i M. Fajrul Rakhman Dhea Galuh Ajeng Hidayati <p><em>Bakisah culture, which originates from local culture in South Kalimantan Province by the Banjar tribe, is a storytelling tradition that is full of the meaning of life which is conveyed as a medium or performance in development communication. In its development, this culture was able to concretely transform into an adaptive and applicable communication strategy in presenting motivation through narratives of past stories with the aim of development. This research aims to analyze the communication strategies for developing Banjar Bakisah culture from a media and theater perspective. The research is an exploratory qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Primary and secondary data collection through participant observation, in-depth interviews and literature study. Bakisah is interpreted as an instrument that has cultural values typical of the Banjar people, especially in the South Kalimantan area. In its implementation, this Bakisah culture becomes a medium for conveying development messages with the addition of sarcasm, jokes and short allusions. Likewise, in the implementation of the performance, humor becomes its own attraction to attract a wider audience. Until now, the use of storytelling culture as a medium and performance in development communication has not been optimal so it needs to be improved even more as a development communication strategy as well as an activity to preserve the local wisdom culture of the Banjar community.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Gesi Kepemimpinan Perempuan Secara Publik Menurut Perspektif Islam & Psikologi Gender 2024-04-25T10:16:20-07:00 Aqmal Maulana Saputra Dhea Riskita Namira Nur Syarifah Raden Dian Prilia <p>The issue of gender is a central topic that colors almost all aspects of human life, including religion. One of the controversial topics regarding the issue of gender relations is the rights and competence of women in becoming leaders, this issue will be the subject of study in this article with the main focus being how the perspective of gender psychology and its relevance to the Islamic perspective in relation to the issue of women's leadership. This research contains views on how Islamic organizations in Indonesia address women's leadership as well as the perspectives of psychology practitioners and academics looking at women's competence in leading publicly. The results of this study indicate that the majority of Islamic organizations in Indonesia do not have a problem with women becoming leaders, and psychologically it shows that women have the same competence as men in terms of being leaders publicly. So this research aims to reconstruct the patriarchal understanding of the general public into psychological and religious studies which shows and confirms that there is equality between men and women so that the realm of gender psychology and Islamic religion becomes a field of study that is relevant to the breath of women's leadership which is often discriminated against. This research study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by interviewing psychology lecturers at the Indonesian University of Education and a comprehensive literature study.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Gesi