Anxiety, Prayer, StudentAbstract
Prayer is a central practice of worship in the Islamic religion, while anxiety is a common problem among
university students. Therefore, this research is important because it can provide valuable insights into how
prayer can affect anxiety levels in Muslim students. Thus, this study aims to explore and understand the
relationship between anxiety and prayer in the perspective of Muslim individuals majoring in Psychology at the
Indonesian University of Education. This study also used a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth
interviews and content analysis on the collected data. Research participants consisted of 7 active Muslim
students who were selected purposely. Through qualitative data analysis, the following findings have been
identified. Based on the results of interviews, all student informants had experienced anxiety, but the intensity
and factors that caused anxiety felt by informants were different. Factors that cause anxiety felt by informants
include academic problems, daily needs, family, friendships, and the future. This study provides a preliminary
understanding of the relationship between prayer and anxiety in Muslim students. In order to deepen and
complete this understanding, future researchers are advised to use quantitative methods in order to more
objectively measure prayer frequency, anxiety level, and other factors that might affect this relationship.
Kata kunci : Anxiety, Prayer, Student
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