https://doi.org/10.38156/gesi.v9i1.351Kata Kunci:
family hope program, povertyAbstrak
Poverty is still often found in developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. Poverty alleviation programs in Indonesia are still intensively carried out, various kinds of empowerment programs are implemented, this is to improve the community's economy towards a better direction. The Family Hope Program (PKH) is a program that provides conditional social assistance to families and/or a person who is poor and vulnerable, designated as a PKH beneficiary family. This study aims to evaluate the Family Hope Program in alleviating poverty in Sidoarjo, analyze the factors that influence the Family Hope program, analyze the actions taken by the government, and analyze the impact of the Family Hope program. This research uses qualitative research methods. The location of this research is in the Sidoarjo Regency Social Service. While the technique used in determining informants is a purposive sampling technique. While the data collection techniques used include interviews and written documentation. Furthermore, the data analysis technique used by researchers is data collection, data reduction, data display, and data verification.
The results obtained from this study indicate that the Family Hope Program (PKH) is already running, to find out about the implementation of the Family Hope Program can be seen through the effectiveness stage, the adequacy stage, and the equity stage. Factors that influence this program include implementation and procedures. Implementation is very important to actively involve the community in the planning and implementation of the program. Procedures involve providing the necessary documents and verifying them. The success of the program is influenced by socialization, which requires cooperation and collaboration between the government and Beneficiary Families (KPM). The outcomes of the program can be either positive or negative. Positive results indicate that the program has the potential to improve the welfare of the beneficiary families, while negative results indicate that the program is ineffective. Monitoring and evaluation are required to ensure the success of the program.
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