Analysis of The Role of Digital Banking for Customer and Banks in The Economy of Indonesia
DOI: Kunci:
Digital Banking, Mobile Banking, Indonesian Economy.Abstrak
The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of digital banking for customers and for banks through mobile banking in the economy in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection using triangulation analytical techniques through outlet supervisors and BSI customers as informants. The results of the study obtained that the role of digital banking through mobile banking in the economy is to be a blessing for human life and can improve the welfare/ prosperity of society: (1) for customers, it can provide ease of transactions in terms of time, place, and cost. Customers do not need to come to the bank office to obtain information or make banking transactions and encourage business development and growth, as evidenced by the increasing number of business orders, (2) for banks, digital banking can reduce operational costs when compared to transaction services through relatively large branch offices to pay for office operations. Then it can encourage the realization of a less cash society, namely a lifestyle using transaction media or electronic money in transactions so that there is no need to carry physical money and can improve the quality of service. Thus, both roles can advance general welfare /prosperity, advance the intelligence of a better quality national life and support the Indonesian economy.
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