The Impact of Compensation and Career Development on Employee Performance Through Work Motivation: A Study at PT. Daya Analitika Sentosa
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Compensation, Career Development, Employee Performance, Work MotivationAbstrak
This research investigates the impact of compensation and career development on job performance at PT. Daya Analitika Sentosa (DAS), with work motivation as a mediating variable. The study utilized an explanatory research design and a quantitative approach, involving a population of 68 DAS employees and a final sample size of 66 through total sampling. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results show that both compensation and career development significantly impact motivation. Compensation also has a direct positive effect on job performance, whereas career development does not directly affect performance. However, motivation plays a mediating role, strengthening the influence of both compensation and career development on job performance. These findings suggest that DAS can enhance its Human Resource practices by focusing on compensation and motivation strategies to improve employee performance.
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