Preventing Child Marriage in Samarinda City: “Cinta Syejati” Family Learning Center Efforts
Efforts of the Family Learning Center "True Love"
DOI: Kunci:
Perkawinan anak, pernikahan dini, pencegahan, upaya preventif, upaya promotifAbstrak
One of the problems of violations of children’s rights that is currently rampant with the fairly high number of cases in Indonesia is child marriage or early marriage. Child marriage has a very detrimental impact on human life because it can cause poverty, vulnerability to domestic violence, maternal and child deaths, and also causes vulnerability to human trafficking and errors in parenting patterns so that all children’s rights can be taken away. This article explores the efforts of “Cinta Syejati” Family Learning Center in preventing child marriage in Samarinda City and examines the inhibiting factors. This study uses descriptive qualitative research that focuses on the preventive and promotive efforts of “Cinta Syejati” Family Learning Center in preventing child marriage in Samarinda City. The results of the study show that the preventive efforts consisting of socialization activities, marriage counseling services, and family counseling services is still not optimized. It makes the benefits of preventive efforts not fullt felt by all levels of society. While the promotive efforts consisting of information service through Heartline Samarinda radio broadcasts and Samarinda City libraries are very far below expectation, because can only be carried out several times a year. Additionally, lack of budget, lack of facilities and infrastructure, limited number of human resources, and lack of public awareness become the inhibiting factors of preventing child marriage in Samarinda City through “Cinta Syejati” Family Learning Center efforts.
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