https://doi.org/10.38156/gesi.v9i1.391Kata Kunci:
East Kalimantan, Labor, Sanga-Sanga Block, lawAbstrak
PT. Pertamina (Persero ) is again managing the Sanga-Sanga Block from Virginia Indonesia (VICO), a United States oil company. The management of the Sanga Sanga Block in East Kalimantan was handed over by SKK Migas from Virginia Indonesia (VICO) to a subsidiary of Pertamina (Persero), namely Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga (PHSS) starting August 7, 2017. The purpose of this research is to examine the political aspects of the legal protection of local workers in in the field of employment for companies and to find out how the ideal concept of protecting local workers in the takeover of foreign private oil and gas companies by Pertamina. This study uses a sociolegal research approach which will focus on analyzing the theoretical and empirical nature of law and its relationship with society by linking various factors such as social, economic and political that influence the development of law and the legal process. The benefit of this research is to find out the legal politics of local workers in the takeover of the management of the oil and gas company PT. Vico Indonesia by Pertamina on the condition of the local workforce, and found issues related to employment which became a crucial issue as long as the Vico Indonesia company was in Muara Badak and every process of the transition period from the Vico Indonesia company to the state company, namely Pertamina
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