Single Mother and Business Online Shop : Opportunities to Fulfill the Family’s Economic Needs
Peluang Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Ekonomi Keluarga
DOI: Kunci:
Single mom, Gender Equality, Interdisciplinary, Online Business, Social TransformationAbstrak
This study aims to analyze the use of online business services in Indonesia, with a focus on the factors that influence the use of digital services and the challenges they face. Based on a systematic literature review approach from several previous similar studies, the research results show that low digital and financial literacy is the main obstacle for females in optimally utilizing financial technology, especially online business. Being a single mom or single mother is not an easy thing to do. However, being a single mom does not mean that it will be difficult for a woman to be financially independent. Because there are lots of businesses that single moms can do to increase their family's economic income. This research also aims to examine how gender equality influences social transformation and its relationship to economic development. This research investigates how gender equality can drive beneficial social change using an interdisciplinary approach that combines sociology and economics. Analysis of secondary data from various sources, including statistical reports, scientific journals, and case studies, is the research methodology used. The first step will be identified through several studies and journals. Then, using qualitative analysis consisting of interviews, surveys, and case studies on the influence of gender equality on social change.
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