pen Pentahelix Strategy in Improving the Performance of MSMEs in Malang City (Study on Food and Beverage Sector)
Model Pentahelix, Peningkatan Kinerja UMKM
DOI: Kunci:
MSME, Pentahelix Model, Collaboration, MSME PerformanceAbstrak
MSMEs in Malang City have an important contribution to the local economy, especially in the food and beverage sector which is currently growing rapidly. This study aims to determine the performance improvement of food and beverage MSMEs in Malang City through a pentahelix collaboration model involving academics, communities, government, business people, and social media. This type of research is a mixed method with a sequential explanatory design. The research population was 5,365 food and beverage MSMEs in Malang City with a sample of 100 respondents selected by random sampling. Quantitative data was collected through questionnaires, while qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews with several resource persons. The research was conducted for three months in Malang City. The results showed that academics, communities, business people, and social media have a significant effect on the performance of MSMEs in Malang City, while the role of government is not significant, but this is reinforced by the results of interviews with resource persons. The pentahelix collaboration strengthens the capabilities of MSMEs through training, mentoring, and promotion, assisting MSMEs in facing market challenges and improving the performance of MSMEs in Malang City. This collaboration is expected to strengthen the MSME sector as the backbone of the local economy, increase employment and unemployment.
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