Utilization of Digital Financial Facilities by Female MSMEs: A Systematic Literature Review
https://doi.org/10.38156/gesi.v9i1.401Kata Kunci:
Digital financial facilities, Female Entrepreneurs, msmeAbstrak
This study aims to analyze the use of digital financial services by female MSMEs in Indonesia, with a focus on factors that influence the use of digital services and the challenges faced. Based on a systematic literature review approach from several previous studies of the same type, the results of the study indicate that low digital and financial literacy are the main obstacles for female MSMEs in optimally utilizing financial technology. In addition, social and cultural factors, such as the dual role of women and negative perceptions of the security of digital transactions, also hinder the adoption of technology. On the other hand, support from financial institutions and the government in the form of training and increasing access to digital infrastructure has been proven to accelerate the adoption of digital financial services. This study emphasizes the need for more inclusive policies that are oriented towards women's empowerment, as well as strengthening collaboration between the government, financial institutions, and the community sector to increase digital financial inclusion among female MSMEs. These findings provide valuable insights for policy makers and related parties in developing more effective strategies to encourage digital transformation in the female MSME sector.
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